Resources - Health
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: For health professionals (2023)
This is a list of resources for health and allied professionals interested in more information about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Diagnosis, epidemiology, assessment, pathophysiology, and management of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (2020)
This article appears in Disabilities Journal. It provides a review for neurologists of recent FASD research, beginning with an outline of the epidemiology and clinical features. It describes brain anomalies in FASD and reviews their underlying pathophysiology. The authors discuss several diagnostic systems, the developmental course, and the management of FASD.
Adults with fetal alcohol syndrome appear prone to health conditions (2017)
This is a CBC article presenting the work of Myles Himmelreich, CJ Lutke and Emily Travis discussing how commonly people with FASD experience physical and mental health conditions. Astounding results.
Mental Health Resource and Practice Guide (2023)
Mental Health Resource and Practice Guide
In collaboration with the Canada Northwest FASD Partnership, CanFASD has developed the following resource and practice guide for frontline mental health counsellors/therapists, prevention mentors, crisis workers, community mental health providers and those who work directly with individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
The FASD Patient Journey (2020)
In September 2018, the Alberta FASD Cross Ministry Committee initiated an FASD Patient Journey Project to examine the current state of FASD services and supports from the perspective of persons with FASD, their caregivers and their service providers. After 120 interviews in 34 communities across Alberta, the project team has captured not only their perspectives on service delivery but also their frustrations, ideas, hopes and dreams as well. Are there lesson for us in Nova Scotia?
Vitalité Health Network Website: FASD page
This is website for the New Brunswick FASD Centre of Excellence - Vitalité Health Network. Lots of resources and information about FASD
Medical diagnoses and use of health resources prior to a FASD diagnosis: A retrospective descriptive study
This poster is a summary of a study that examines the professional medical contacts and diagnoses of people with FASD prior to their diagnosis .